Advanced design of foundation BICEE-022.PDF
Advanced Environmental Engineering BICEE-024.PDF
Advanced Structural Analysis BICEE-017.PDF
Advanced Surveying BICE-004.pdf
Building Technology-I BICE-005.pdf
Civil Engineering BICE-009.pdf
Computation methods in structural engineering BICEE-021.PDF
Computer Applications in Civil Engineering BICE-022.pdf
Earth and Rock Fill Dam engineering BICEE-019.PDF
Elements of Engineering Science BICE-001.pdf
Engineering Geology BICE-003.pdf
Environmental engineering-I BICE-014.pdf
Environmental Engineering-II BICE-018.pdf
Estimation and Construction Management BICE-021.pdf
Geoiformatics BICE-006.pdf
Geotechnical Engineering-II BICE-012.pdf
Mathematics-III BICE-007.pdf
Pavement Evaluation BICEE-018.PDF
quality surveying and Costing BICE-010.pdf
Reliability and Optimization of Structure BICEE-020.PDF
Structural Analysis-I BICE-008.pdf
Structural Analysis-II BICE-011.pdf
Structural Analysis-III BICE-016.pdf
Structural Design and Drawing-I BICE-013.pdf
Structural Design and Drawing-II BICE-017.pdf
Surveying BICE-002.pdf
Traffic Engineering BICEE-023.PDF
Transportation Engineering-I BICE-019.pdf
Transportation Engineering-II BICE-020.pdf
Transportation Planning BICEE-016.PDF
Water Resources Engineering BICE-015.pdf
Water Resources System Planning and Design BICEE-015.PDF
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