Advanced Dynamics of Machine BIMEE-007.PDF
Automobile Engineering BIME-012.PDF
Combustion engineering BIMEE-023.PDF
Computer Aded Manufacturing BIMEE-009.PDF
Computing Aided Design BIME-018.PDF
Design of Machine Elements BIME-025.PDF
Engineering Metallurgy BIME-024.PDF
Engineering Thermodynamics BIME-023.PDF
Experimental Stress Analysis BIMEE-005.PDF
Finite Elements Analysis BIMEE-013.PDF
Fluid Mechanics BIME-004.PDF
Heat and Mass Transfer BIME-034.PDF
Heat Transfer BIME-026.PDF
I.C Engines BIMEE-031.PDF
Industrial EngineeringBIME-020.PDF
industrial Ergonomics BIMEE-018.PDF
Industrial Measurement and quality Control BIMEE-015.PDF
Industrial Orgatization and Management BIMEE-030.PDF
Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines BIME-031.PDF
Machine design-i BIME-008.PDF
Machine Design-II BIME-011.PDF
Machine Drawing BIME-003.PDF
machine Tools BIME-033.PDF
maintenance engineering BIME-028.PDF
Material Scienece BIME-005.PDF
Materials Handling BIMEE-020.PDF
Mechanical System Design BIMEE-010.PDF
Mechanical Vibration BIMEE-008.PDF
Mechanics of Engineering BIME-021.PDF
Mechatronics BIME-016.PDF
Metrology and Quality Control BIME-027.PDF
Metrology BIME-019.PDF
Non Conventional Energy Resources BIMEE-003.PDF
Non Destructive Testing BIMEE-011.PDF
Nuclear Power Engineering BIMEE-017.PDF
Optimization for Engineering design BIMEE-022.PDF
Optimizational Techniques in Engineering BIMEE-004.PDF
Power Plant Engineering BIMEE-029.PDF
Power Plnat Engineering BIME-017.PDF
Power Transmitting elements BIME-022.PDF
Product Development and Design BIMEE-002.PDF
Production and Operation Management BIMEE-012.PDF
Production Technology-I BIME-009.PDF
Production Technology-II BIME-014.PDF
Refrigeration and AIR Conditioning BIME-015.PDF
Refrigeration System BIMEE-032.PDF
Robotics BIMEE-016.PDF
Safety Engineering BIMEE-014.PDF
Technical Enterpreneurship BIMEE-021.PDF
Thermal Engineering BIME-010.PDF
Thermal Engineering-I BIME-002.PDF
Therofluid engineering BIME-006.PDF
Total Quality Management(TQM)BIMEE-019.PDF
Tribology BIMEE-006.PDF
Turbo Machines BIME-013.PDF
Unconventional Manufacturing Processes BIMEE-001.PDF
Welding Engg BIMEE-024.PDF
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