Roll No. ......................
Total No. of Questions : 13] [Total
No. of Pages : 02
Paper ID [A0225]
(Please fill this Paper ID in OMR
BCA (601) (Old/S05) (Sem. - 6th)
Time : 03 Hours Maximum
Marks : 75
Instruction to Candidates:
1) Section -A is Compulsory.
2) Attempt any Nine questions from Section -
Section - A<
(15 × 2 = 30)
a) What is state space representation in problem
b) Define Breadth first search algorithm.
c) List the advantages disadvantages of Depth first
search algorithm?
d) What is problem decomposition?
e) List the drawback of a heuristic search technique.
f) Define Inheritable knowledge.
g) Explain mapping between facts and representations
using suitable diagram.
h) What is inferential adequacy?
i) What is Isa hierarchy of attributes?
j) Define frame axioms.
k) List the advantages of strong slot and filler
l) Explain top down parsing.
m) Define conversational postulates.
n) Explain intersectional search in semantic nets.
o) What is inferential distance?
Section - B
(9 × 5 = 45)
Q2) Explain the four categories of a production system.
Q3) Explain the water jug problem and its solution using
production rules.
Q4) Briefly list the issues involved in design of general-purpose
search technique.
Q5) What the steps involved in providing formal
description to a problem.
Q6) Convert the following well formed formula to cluse
form Ø
Roman(x) V know(x, Marcus) V hate(x, Caesar) V hate(y, z) V thinkcrazy(x,
Q7) Explain Propositional resolution algorithm.
Q8) How can we speed up the resolution process?
Q9) What are the qualities of a good knowledge
representation system?
Q10) Explain the Morphological, Syntactic & Semantic
phase of natural language
Q11) Explain Script using a suitable example.
Q12) Represent the following fact using partitioned
semantic net Every dog has bitten a mail carrier.
Q13) How will you represent the following knowledge using
conceptual dependency assuming the primitive action INGEST is available. John
ate ice cream with a spoon.
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