Roll No. ......................
Total No. of Questions : 13] [Total
No. of Pages : 02
Paper ID
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IBSIT - 102(O) (Sem - 1st)
Time : 03
Maximum Marks : 75
to Candidates:
1) Section -A
is Compulsory.
2) Attempt
any Nine questions from Section - B.
Section - A<
(15 × 2 = 30)
a) What are the characteristics of a computer?
b) Give the exact value 1K.
c) What is the difference between ASCII and Unicode?
d) Differentiate between control bus and address bus.
e) What do you understand by the term clock?
f) What is the difference between XCOPY and DISKCOPY commands?
g) What is the difference between warm booting and cold booting?
h) List the advantages of Hard disk.
i) How can one write protect 3.5 inch floppy?
j) What is the need to format a floppy?
k) What are the advantages a networking?
l) Differentiate between RAM and ROM.
m) What is the significance of FDISK command in DOS?
n) What is the difference between LAN and WAN?
o) Name two processors which are being used in today’s PC.
Section - B<
(9 × 5 = 45)
Q2) Explain the working of computer with the help of a block diagram.
Q3) Explain in detail the mechanism of booting.
Q4) Compare internal commands with external commands.
Q5) Write a short note on networking.
Q6) Discuss in detail any one secondary storage device.
Q7) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of computers.
Q8) Explain in detail the differences between hard disk and floppy disk.
Q9) Out of SRAM and DRAM, which one is faster? Explain in detail the
Q10) Explain in detail the following commands:-
(a) Attrib
(b) Tree
Q11) Explain the difference between hardwired and micro-programmed
Q12) Explain in detail the differences between primary memory and
secondary memory.
Q13) Give the specifications of a latest desktop computer system available
in market these days.
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