Total No. of
Questions : 13] [Total
No. of Pages : 02
Paper ID [A1608]
(Please fill
this Paper ID in OMR Sheet)
B.Sc. IT (301) (Old) (Sem. - 3rd)
Time : 03
Hours Maximum
Marks : 75
Instruction to
1) Section - A
is Compulsory.
2) Attempt any Nine questions
from Section - B.
Section - A
Q1) (15
× 2 = 30)
a) Explain the function of business information system.
b) Define the business logic.
c) Define the business logics for applications.
d) What internal strategies are useful in low level project designing?
e) How ER diagrams are useful for modeling?
f) Explain the following terms: primary key, alternate key, foreign key.
g) What are the possible dependencies, which can exist in a database?
h) Explain the basic normalization techniques?
i) How we map a class to a relation.
j) What are advantage & disadvantages of component object model.
k) Explain the types of object models.
l) What is Remote data objects.
m) Which are main problems of database connectivity.
n) Compare File-Server database & Client-Server database.
o) How RDO helps in client/server design.
Section - B
(9 × 5 = 45)
Q2) What is the nature of
operational information systems? What kinds of data do these systems collect
& process?
Q3) Differentiate between two
tier & three tier architecture.
Q4) What is a material
requirements planning system? How can this system helps to an organization?
Q5) Compare the Gantt chart
and project network diagram as tools used in project managements.
Q6) Discuss an ER diagram for
library management system.
Q7) What are the major
aspects in which the relational model deals?
Q8) Explain the differences
among primary, secondary and clustering index?
Q9) Explain the similarities
and dissimilarities between second normal form and third normal form.
Q10) Explain the following :
Encapsulation & Information Hiding, Inheritance, Polymorphism &
Q11) What are the different
types of Inheritance? What are its advantages?
Q12) Explain the COM
components software architecture.
Q13) Compare & discuss OLE
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