Total No. of
Questions : 13] [Total
No. of Pages : 02
Paper ID [A0316]
(Please fill
this Paper ID in OMR Sheet)
B.Sc. IT (404) (S05) (Sem. - 4th)
B.Sc. IT - (501) (New / Old)
Time : 03
Hours Maximum
Marks : 75
Instruction to
1) Section - A
is Compulsory.
2) Attempt any Nine questions
from Section - B.
Section - A
Q1) (15
× 2 = 30)
a) Can ASP be called a Scripting Language? If, yes, then how?
b) Write names of five Scripting Languages.
c) What is PWS? How does it differ from IIS?
d) Differentiate between static Web Page and Dynamic Web Page.
e) How do we add comments to ASP pages?
f) What are Formatting Functions in ASP? Give examples.
g) Write names of five ASP Objects.
h) What is Web Server? How this is different from other Servers?
i) What is a Form validation?
j) What is Session? When does a session start?
k) Why WEB is called stateless?
l) What are HTTP headers? What type of information can be passed through
m) What is DSN?
n) What is a Lock in ASP?
o) What is a Database? List different types of Databases.
Section - B
(9 × 5 = 45)
Q2) What are the rules for
naming a variable? How do you determine a variable’s type?
Q3) What is implicit and
explicit declaration of a variable? Which one should be used in VB Script?
Q4) How do you handle GET and
POST of method of a FORM in ASP?
Q5) Differentiate between
Looping and Branching. Write syntax of all conditional structures of VB Script.
Q6) Explain purpose of five
different Data Functions.
Q7) Explain all methods of
Response Object with proper examples.
Q8) What is Application
Object? How do we initialize it?
Q9) What is the importance of
Session variable in ASP? Also list its pitfalls.
Q10) What is Handling Errors
Gracefully? Which objects is used for this? Explain.
Q11) Draw the hierarchy
diagram of various Database related objects available in ASP.
Q12) Explain main properties
of RECORDSET Object.
Q13) Explain process of
Sorting and Filtering record sets in ASP.
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