Roll No. .......................
Total No. of Questions : 13] [Total
No. of Pages : 02
Paper ID [A0512]
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OMR Sheet)
MCA (302) (Old/S05) (Sem. - 3rd)
B.Sc. IT 202 (Old)
Time : 03 Hours
Maximum Marks : 75
Instruction to Candidates:
1) Section-A
is Compulsory.
2) Attempt
any Nine questions from Section-B.
Section - A
Q1) (15
× 2 = 30)
a) Define ADT? What are its advantages?
b) What is the difference between linklist and
c) What is the difference between graph and tree?
d) What is the complexity of an algorithm?
e) What is deque? List its different types?
f) What are the applications of stack?
g) Define: (i) almost complete binary tree (ii)
strictly binary tree?
h) A complete binary tree contains 15 nodes.
Calculate the depth of the tree?
i) What are AVL trees? What are its advantages?
j) Write the complexities of (i) Heap sort (ii)
Quick sort (iii) Merge sort
k) Differentiate between depth first search and
breadth first search?
l) Define: (i) Minimum spanning tree (ii) Forest
m) What is Bubble sort technique?
n) What are the applications of graph?
o) What are the limitations of binary tree?
Section – B
(9 × 5 = 45)
Q2) Write an algorithm to insert an
element at the end in a circular link list?
Q3) Write the procedure to insert
an element in the middle of an array?
Q4) How would you implement a queue
of stacks, a stack of queues, a queue of queues? Write routines to implement
the appropriate operations for each of these data structures.
Q5) Write a procedure to convert
infix expression to postfix expression? Apply the procedure on the following
Q: ((A+B)*D)↑(E–F)
Q6) Write heap sort algorithm?
Discuss its complexity?
Q7) Discuss the different tree
representation methods?
Q8) Let E denote the following
algebric expression: [a+(b-c)]*[(d-e)/(f+g-h)]
(a) Draw the corresponding
binary tree.
(b) Apply the preorder
(c) Apply the postorder
Q9) Write an algorithm to insert an
element in a binary search tree?
Q10) Explain the various graph
representation methods. List merits and demerits
of each?
Q11) Explain Dijkastra’s algorithm?
Q12) Write a short note on Redix
Q13) Write an algorithm for
selection sort?
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