Roll No.
Total No. of
Questions : 13] [Total
No. of Pages : 02
Paper ID [A0219]
(Please fill this Paper ID in OMR Sheet)
BCA (404) (S05 / Old) (Sem. - 4th)
Time : 03
Hours Maximum
Marks : 75
Instruction to
1) Section - A
is Compulsory.
2) Attempt any Nine questions
from Section - B.
Section - A
(15 x 2 = 30)
a) What is a
b) What is
the multitasking?
c) What is a
priority queue?
d) What is a logical
e) What is
f) What is a
segment table?
Distinguish between a pipe and output redirection.
h) Why it is
necessary to reallocate a program in memory?
i) What is
meant by a concurrent process?
j) What is
associate memory?
k) What is
l) What is a
physical address?
m) What is a
page map table?
n) What is a
page fault?
o) What is a
non contiguous allocation?
Section - B
(9 x 5 = 45)
Q2) What is an operating
system? What are its different functions?
Q3) Explain the various
component of operating system by taking examples from an operating system.
Q4) How are critical regions
and the principle of mutual exclusion related to each other?
Q5) What is a process control
block? What is the function of a process control block?
Q6) What are the various
states of a process? Explain.
Q7) Explain the directory
structure of an operating system.
Q8) Explain the condition
necessary to produce a deadlock.
Q9) How a dead lock can be
Q10)Determine the differences
between preemptive and non preemptive scheduling.
Q11)Explain difference
between internal and external fragmentation.
Q12)What are the security
requirement of an operating system?
Q13)What are the
various allocations methods for the files? Explain.
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