: Total No, of Questions: 07] [Total No. of Pages: 02
! J-6344[N-0507/51] [2957]
BBA (Semester - 1st) MICRO ECONOMICS (BB -103)
Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks: 60
Instruction to Candidates:
1) Section - A is compulsory,
2) Attempt any Four questions from Section - B.
2) Attempt any Four questions from Section - B.
Section - A
[10x2 = 20]
a) What is the scope of micro economics?
b) Define opportunity cost
c) What do you mean by utility?
d) What is the meaning of price elasticity of demand?
e) Show price effect with the help of indifference curve ?
f) What are the main assumptions oi utility analysis?
g) Distinguish
between fixed costs and variable costs.
h) Show the relationship between Average
Revenue (AR) and Marginal Revenue (MR).
i) What are the features of perfect
competition? j) Define selling costs.
Section - B
[4x10 = 40]
Explain the importance of
micro economics in business.
Q3) What do you mean by demand? Give factors which
determine demand of a commodity.
S3 PT.O.
Q4) What is the Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns
Q5) Show consumer's equilibrium
with the help of indifference curve analysis. Q6) Discuss how price and output is determined under
monopoly market? Q7) Explain price and output
determination under cournot mode}.
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