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Thursday, September 3, 2015

Roll No………
Total No. of Questions: 14

MBA/ MBA (IB) (Sem.-1st)
Subject Code: MBA-103 (Batch-2012)
Paper ID: [C0103]

Time: 3 Hrs.                                                                           Max. Marks: 60
Instruction to Candidates:
1.     SECTION-A contains SIX questions carrying FIVE marks each and students has to attempt any FOUR questions.
2.     SECTION-B consists of FOUR Subsections: Units-I, II, III & IV. Each Subsection contains TWO questions each carrying EIGHT marks each and student has to attempt any ONE question from each Subsection.
3.     SECTION-C is COMPULSORY and consist of ONE Case Study carrying EIGHT marks.


1.     Define ABC approach of Costing. Describe the characteristics of ABC.
2.     Examine and explain the concept of target costing.
3.     What is meant by accounting standards? Explain its objectives.
4.     What is absorption costing and differentiate it with marginal costing?
5.     The modern manufacturer furnish the following data relating to the manufacture of a standard product during the month of October, 2012.
(a)  Raw Materials consumed                                     Rs. 15000
(b) Direct Labour charges                                          Rs. 9000
(c)  Machine Hours worked                              Rs. 900
(d) Machine Hour rate                                               Rs. 5
(e)  Administration overheads                                    20% on works cost
(f)   Selling overheads                                                 Rs. 0.50 per unit
(g)  Unit produced                                                      17,100
(h) Units sold                                                   16000 at Rs. 4 per unit
You are required to prepare a cost sheet from the above showing
(a)  The cost of production per unit
(b) Profit per unit sold and profit for the period
6.     From the following particulars find out:
(i)    Material price variance
(ii) Material usage variance and
(iii) Material cost variance and also explain possible causes of variances
(a)  Quantity of materials purchased                3000 units
(b) Value of materials purchased                     Rs. 9000
(c)  Standard Quantity of material required
Per tonne of finished products          25 units
(d) Standard rate of material                            Rs. 2 per unit
(e)  Opening stock of material                          Nil
(f)   Closing stock of material                            500 units
(g)  Finished production during the year                    80 tonnes


7.     Differentiate between Cost Accounting and Financial Accounting. Also explain the inter-relationship between Cost Accounting, Financial Accounting & Management Accounting.
8.     Discuss the role of an accountant in the modern world with examples.

9.     “Cash flow statement is a Management Device”. Discuss and explain the objectives and limitations of this statement.
10.            Calculate the balance sheet items given in the under mentioned performa with the help of following ratios:
(a)  Total Assets/Net worth  3.5              Sales/Inventory    15
(b) Sales/Fixed Assets                   6                 Sales/Debtors                 18
(c)  Sales/Current Assets               8                 Current Ratio                 2.5
(d) Annual Sales Rs. 25 lakh
Rs. Assets
Net worth
…….. Fixed Assets
Long-term Debt
Current Liabilities
Liquid Assets
Total Liabilities
…….Total Current Assets
Total Assets


11.            Explain the meaning of Business Budget. How does it serve as an instrument of control?
12.            There are two plants manufacturing the same product under one corporate management which decides to merge them.
Following particulars are available regarding the two plants:

Plant I
Plant II
Capacity operation
Rs.300 Lakhs
Rs. 120 Lakhs
Variable costs
Rs. 220 Lakhs
Rs.90 Lakhs
Fixed Costs
Rs. 40 Lakhs
Rs. 25 Lakhs

You are required to calculate for the consideration of the Board of Directors:
(a)  What would be the capacity of the merged plant for the purpose of break-even?
(b) What would be the profitability on working at 80% of the merged capacity?
(c)  What would be the sales required to given an overall profit of Rs. 65 Lakhs?
13.            Write a note on Price Level accounting concept bringing out its merits and demerits.
14.            Discuss the concept of Human Resource Accounting. Explain its importance in the present context.
The Balance Sheets of S & Co. are given as follows:
S & CO. RS.
K & CO. RS.
Preference Share Capital
Equity Share Capital
Reserve & Surpluses
Long-term Loans
Bills Payable
Sundry Creditors
Outstanding Expenses
Proposed Dividend

Land and Building
Plant and Machinery
Temporary Investment
Prepaid Expenses
Cash and Blank Balances


You are appointed as manager of the company. Compare & give your comment with the financial position of the two companies with the help of common size Balance Sheet.  


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