S.B. Roll NO……….
2nd Exam/ECE/0664/Dec 2011
Time: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 75
Note: Attempt all Questions.
Do as directed
(i) The forces holding the silicon atoms together in a crystal are called …….. bonds.
(ii) When a voltage is applied to an intrinsic semiconductor which is at room temperature electrons move to the ……. terminal and holes move to the ……. terminal.
(iii) Avalanche breakdown in a semiconductor occurs when ….. exceeds a certain value.
(iv) When forward bias is applied to a junction diode it decreased the ………..
(v) In a PNP transistor with normal bias the emitter-base junction is ………..
(vi) Compare to a CB amplifier, the CE amplifier has ……… current amplification.
(vii) The operation of JFET involves a flow of ……….. carries.
(viii) A good biasing circuit should stabilize the collector current against temperature variations. (true/False)
(ix) In a certain biasing circuit, VCC and Vce are equal. This is because the transistor is heavily conducting.(True/False)
(x) In a amplifier, the coupling capacitors are used to prevent ……… mixing with input or output.
(xi) The input impedance of CE amplifier is extremely…………
(xii) MOSFET stands for………………
(xiii) A Zener diode has a sharp breakdown at ……… voltage.
(xiv) A transistor is said to be in a quiescent state when………. Signal is applied to the input.
(xv) When a normal atom loses an electron, the atom becomes a ……… ion.
Note: Attempt any Six Questions.
i) Explain why the temperature coefficient of resistance of a semiconductor is a negative ?
ii) What is an “Ideal Diode”? Draw its V-I characteristics.
iii) Draw the circuit diagram of full wave rectifier. Explain its working.
iv) Explain the basic concept of bipolar transistor.
v) Explain the term ‘channel’ in a JEFT.
vi) Why a transistor should be biased? Explain.
vii) Explain the difference between dc load line and ac load line.
viii) Give the applications of FET.
Note: Attempt any three Questions.
1. Describe the working of series inductor filter with the help of neat diagram.
2. Draw the circuit diagram of a single stage amplifier. State the functions of each component used in this circuit.
3. Explain the Common emitter input characteristics of NPN transistor.
4. Explain the following (attempt any two)
(a) Operation of FET.
(b) P type Semiconductor
(c) Drift and Diffusion current.
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