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Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Roll No…..
Total No. of Questions: 15

MBA/MBA (IB) (Sem.-1st)
Subject Code: MBA-107 (Batch-2012)
Paper ID: [C0107]

Time: 3 Hrs.                                                                           Max. Marks: 60
Instruction to Candidates:
1.      SECTION-A   contains SIX questions carrying FIVE marks each and students has to attempt any FOUR questions.
2.      SECTION-B   consists of FOUR Subsections: Units-I, II, III & IV. Each Subsection contains TWO questions each carrying EIGHT marks each and student has to attempt any ONE question from each Subsection.
3.      SECTION-C is COMPULSORY and consist of ONE Case Study carrying EIGHT marks.


1.      Explain TCP/IP.
2.      Discuss the role of assembler, compiler and interpreter.
3.      Explain Hexadecimal number system.
4.      Explain the various formatting features in MS Word.
5.      Explain the feature of cell referencing in MS Excel.
6.      Discuss application of creating forms in MS Access.

7.      Discuss various generations of computer in detail.
8.      Discuss various Input and Output devices of computer in detail.

9.      What do you understand by Operating System? Discuss the functions of Operating System in detail.
10.  Discuss various types and topologies of network in detail.

11.  Explain the use of Mail Merge functions in MS Word. Discuss in detail various steps to apply Mail Merge in MS Word.
12.  Discuss the applications of MS Excel. Explain in detail various important features of MS Excel.

13.  What do you understand by the term DBMS? Discuss the advantages of DBMS over Traditional Files System.
14.  Discuss the importance of MS Access. Explain in detail various steps involved in creating tables and forms.

15.  Appolo Tyres is a leading tyre manufacturer in India. The company has four manufacturing units in India, two in South Africa and two in Zimbabwe. It has a network of around 4500 dealerships in India, of which over 3000 are exclusive outlets, and nearly 230 multi brand Dunlop Accredited Dealers in South Africa and Zimbabwe. “Unstoppable IT” is part of Appollo Tyre’s overall IT strategy derived out of its philosophy of having services available at all times. This concept is woven around “Anywhere”, Anytime, Any Device” whereby a complete set of IT systems, processes and capability are deployed for availability, confidentiality and integrity of information. As part of this strategy, Appollo aggregated and centralized data for anywhere and anytime access through its employees and dealer portals. Achieving Anywhere, Anytime connectivity was not a difficult task, the real challenge lay in identifying and determining an appropriate device which could fit into company’s IT deployment strategy. The key requirements were application deployment capability and remote device manageability and the company considered various mobile devices and PDA’s in these respects. Appollo Tyres was also looking at devices which could continue to work and store data locally in the network; the company’s IT department did a few pilot tests to check the proof of the concept of some of these devices.

The key applications identified for such a deployment were the common baseline applications aimed at enabling the sales force, including e-mail access. Upon scanning the market for device capabilities, it was felt that an enterprise Wide BlackBerry deployment met the requirements of access to e-mail and applications through a single device. When the evaluations were being carried out, BlackBerry scored in terms of e-mail. E-mail access on the move was critical for management level executions within the company. Having homed in on the device, Appollo tyres started looking at the application deployment capability for the BlackBerry. SAP Enterprise Server which had been a success with Appollo. The company is also at the next phase for applications deployment using the Enterprise Server. There was relief within the middle and senior management after the deployment of BlackBerry Enterprise Solution. This not only enabled the top management to stay in touch with the systems and people continuously, it also resolved the issue of management taking their laptops just to access their e-mail.  The teams travelling abroad have benefited the most with this solution.
(a)    One of the major problems for Apollo management was to keep the dealer network connected, how did they address this issue?
(b)   What was the enterprise IT strategy the company followed?
(c)    What is the role that Internet and Mobile technologies ca play in building Apollo’s IT strategy?

(d)   List the major benefits that the company has achieved by the introduction of new technology.


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