Roll No……..
Total No. of Questions: 13
Paper ID [A0201]
(BCA-101) (S05) (Old) (Sem.-1st)
B.Sc. CST-301 (Old/DCA-101
Time: 3 Hrs. Max.
Marks: 75
Instruction to Candidates:
1. Section-A is Compulsory.
2. Attempt any Nine questions from Section-B.
Differentiate between data and information with suitable examples.
Explain with example procedure to convert octal number to binary number.
List two devices which can be used as input as well as output device.
What do you understand by write protection of floppies and how is it done?
What are the disadvantages of OMR?
What do you understand by spooling?
What is batch processing?
Define multiprogramming?
Differentiate between RAM and ROM.
If on the DOS prompt, ABC is typed and on the disk (say C:\>), there are three file ABC. COM, ABC, EXE and ABC.BAT.
Which of the three files will be
executed? Why?
Differentiate between single user and multi-user system.
What is a cache memory? Distinguish between L1 and L2 cache.
What is warm booting?
List four facilities provided by Internet through WWW?
What is the role played by modern in networking?
Q2. Discuss
the working of various components of computer with block diagram.
Q3. Compare
impact printers with non-impact printers.
Explain the procedure of storing data on a hard disk.
Q5. Discuss
the relative utility of different optical technologies available in the market.
Q6. Compare
characteristics of primary storage with auxiliary storage.
Q7. Describe
functions of operating system.
Explain in detail multiprocessing and time-sharing systems
Q9. Explain
in detail different types of ROM?\
What are the differences between internal commands and external commands in DOS? Give three examples of each
type with syntax.
Q11. Explain
various features of DOS?
Q12. Discuss
applications of computers in sports and commerce.
Q13. What
are the advantages of networking? Explain briefly E-mail.
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