Roll No……..
Total No. of Questions: 13
Paper ID [A0201]
(BCA-101) (S05) (Old) (Sem.-1st)
Time: 3 Hrs. Max.
Marks: 75
Instruction to Candidates:
1. Section-A is Compulsory.
2. Attempt any Nine questions from Section-B.
What are the characteristics of a
Explain with example procedure to convert binary number to octal number.
List two devices which can be used as input as well as output device.
What is the need to format a floppy?
What are the uses of plotter?
List the functions of operating system.
How is processing of batch programs done?
Define multiprocessing.
What is the role of cache memory in computer system?
Differentiate between SRAM and DRAM?
List features of DOS?
Create a batch file to record date and time whenever a computer is turned on, the record must maintained in a text file.
What is a workstation?
Differentiate between the terms Internet and intranet.
Define the term FAX.
Q2. Draw
the block diagram of computer and explain its various components.
Explain the working of thermal inkjet printer in detail.
Explain the advantages and disadvantages of floppy disks.
Q5. Discuss
the different mouse operations. Compare the working of mouse with keyboard.
Q6. Discuss memories of computer and their hierachy.
Q7. Explain
the concept of spooling with a diagram.
Q8. Explain
in detail time sharing systems and multiprogramming.
Q9. Compare
any two operating systems known to you.
Q10. Differentiate
between the following with proper syntax and examples:-
Copy and Diskcopy Command (b)
Del and Deltree Command
Q11. Explain
in detail cold booting process.
Q12. Discuss
industry and commerce related applications of computers.
Q13. Explain
different types of topologies used in LAN by stating their advantages and disadvantages.
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