Roll No……..
Total No. of Questions:13
Paper ID
B.Sc. IT
(05)-103 B.Sc. CST-404 (Old) (Sem.-1st)
IT-201 (Old)/302(New)/DCA-204 (New)
Time: 3 Hrs. Max.
Marks: 75
Instruction to Candidates:
Section-A is compulsory
Attempt any Nine questions
from Section-B.
(a) What are the two main functions of an operating system?
(b) What is the principal disadvantage of too much multiprogramming?
(c) What is starvation? How it is removed in priority scheduling?
(d) Differentiate user level threads from kernel level threads.
(e) What is binary semaphore and why it is used?
(f) Which is the best condition to prevent from a deadlock?
(g) Define the concept of dynamic loading.
(h) What is compaction and why it is used?
(i) What is Belady’s anomaly problem?
(j) What is the difference between local page replacement and global
page replacement?
(k) How interrupt differ from trap?
(l) Differentiate record, file and directory?
(m) What is indexed access?
What is purpose of system
How scheduler differ from
Q2. What is operating system? Explain different
functions of operating system.
Q3. Explain different types of scheduling queues
and types of schedulers.
Q4. Consider the following
set of processes with the length of CPU burst time give in milliseconds:
Process Burst Time Priority
P1 10 3
P2 29 1
P3 3 3
P4 7 4
P5 12 2
The processes are assumed to
have arrived in the order P1, P2, P3, P4,P5 all at time 0.
(a) What is
the turnaround time of each process for using FCFS, SJF, a non preemptive
priority (a smaller priority number implies a higher priority) and RR
(quantum=10) scheduling.
(b) What is
the waiting time of each process for each of the scheduling algorithm in part
Q5. Explain
Dining Philosopher problem in process synchronization.
Q6. What are the four
necessary conditions to occur a deadlock? Explain bankers algorithm.
Q7. (a)
Why are page sizes always powers of 2?
(b) Consider
a logical address space of eight pages of 1024 words each, mapped onto a
physical memory of 32 frames. How many bits are there in the logical address
and physical address?
Q8. Explain the segmentation memory management
scheme in detail.
Q9. What is the cause of
thrashing? How it occur and explain different method to prevent from thrashing?
Q10. Consider the following page reference string:
How many page faults would occur for the following replacement
algorithms assuming three frames? Remember that all frames are initially empty.
(a)LRU replacement
(b) FIFO replacement
(c) Optimal replacement
Q11. Explain
the different operations performed on files.
Q12. Explain Direct Memory Access and steps in DMA
Q13. Compare parallel processor systems with
distributed systems.
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