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Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Roll. No……
Total No. of Questions: 10

MBA/MBA (IB) (Sem.-1st)
Subject Code: MBA-102
Paper ID [C0102]

Time: 3 Hrs.                                                                           Max. Marks: 60
Note: Section-A is consisting of 6 sub-questions of 5 marks each, out of which the candidates are required to attempt any 4 question Section-B contains 8 full length questions of 8 marks each, out of which the candidates are required to attempt one question from each Unit Section-C is Compulsory and consisting a case study.

(a)    Discuss the nature of OB.
(b)   Differentiate between perceptual selectivity and perceptual distortion?
(c)    Discuss the significance of Job Satisfaction?
(d)   Discuss the stages of group formation.
(e)    Describe the process of organizational change?
(f)    Discuss the organizational stress coping strategies.

Q2.      What is Organizational Behaviour? What are the contributing disciplines to OB?
Q3.      What is personality? What are its major determinants?
Q4.      “Theory X and Theory Y are concerned with the nature of people. How does the job situation affect the application of this theory? What are its implications?
Q5.      What is Transactional analysis? Discuss the different life positions in Transactional analysis.
Q6.      Analyze the pros and cons of alternative approaches to the management of conflict in an organization.
Q7.      What do you mean by group? Discuss the theory of group formation?
Q8.      What do you mean by planned organizational change? Give reasons for organizational change.
Q9.      Write a note on:
(a)    Business Ethics
(b)   Creating a Learning Organization

Q10.    This case focuses on the organizational culture of Wal-Mart. Primary emphasis is placed on how Wal-Mart’s culture developed and how it has been maintained. The roots of Wal-Mart’s culture date back to Sam Walton, who instilled the now famous “Saturday Morning Meeting” at his Five & Dime store in Bentonville, Arkansas. During these meetings, Walton encouraged his employees to offer suggestions for improvement and empowered them to follow through on those suggestions that he thought were worth pursuing. The Saturday Morning Meeting has continued at Wal-Mart despite its growth into one of the largest corporations in the world. Discussion could focus on how Wal-Mart’s culture has been maintained over the years, with special emphasis on the importance of the Saturday Morning Meeting. In addition to the Saturday Morning serving as a company ritual, discussion could also focus on how the company chant serves as a cultural maintenance tool.
A discussion of the strength of Wal-Mart’s culture relates to the notion of core values, which have been instrumental in sustaining its culture over the years. Perhaps as a partial result of this sharing of core values, Wal-Mart is able to respond quickly to changes in the market place, as evidenced by the anecdote about the poker sets. In addition, the attraction-selection-attrition model could be applied to Wal-Mart, as it may explain some of the similarities among Wal-Mart’s managers thus leading to a tight-knit culture.
Finally, although Wal-Mart’s culture undoubtedly has been a strength, discussion could also focus on how it could be a weakness. The original practices and ideas of Sam Walton may not fit in today’s business environment, so maintaining Wal-Mart’s culture may be detrimental to its growth. Moreover, increased public scrutiny may be pressuring Wal-Mart to change its old practices.
Question for Discussion
(i)                 According to the textbook, there are seven primary characteristics that capture the essence of an organization’s culture. How would you describe Wal-Mart’s culture using these seven characteristics?
(ii)               Based on this case, would you characterize Wal-Mart’s culture as strong or weak? Why?
(iii)             As an upper manager of Wal-Mart, what steps could you take to either maintain or enhance the culture of Wal-Mart?
(iv)             How might Wal-Mart’s negative press affect employee morale, job satisfaction and organizational commitment? As a manager, what steps would you take to improve employee attitudes?


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