Roll No……
Total No. of Questions: 9
Paper ID
Code: MCA-105
Time: 3 Hrs. Max.
Marks: 60
Instruction to Candidates:
1. Attempt any one question from each Section
A, B, C & D.
2. Section-E is Compulsory.
3. Use of Non-programmable Scientific
Calculator is allowed.
1. What are the main
components responsible for the cost of software production? How cost benefit
analysis is done? What role does system analysis play in this?
2. What are the
different software development life cycle models? Explain classical waterfall
model in detail.
3. (a) Explain the
relation between the Analysis and Design model of a software system.
(b) Describe the different system analysis tools for structured
4. Draw Data Flow
diagrams system and corresponding data dictionary for following problem.
“Guests reserve rooms in a hotel in advance or on spot depending
upon the availability. The operator
would add data pertaining to the guests such as Name, arrival time, balance
paid and Type of room (i.e. AC, Non AC, Deluxe, Suit). The SW should uniquely assign a token number
on allotment of room. The hotel catering services manager would input the
quantity and type of the food items as and when consumed by the guests along
with the token number of the guest and corresponding data and time.”
5. (a) What are the main quality attributes
of a good software design?
(b) What is inverted lists file organization?
6. Describe the different
ways of testing the software? Differentiate between top down and bottom up
7. (a) How do you
combat resistance to change the old system with the new system.
(b) What are the main qualities of a good implementation plan?
8. Describe the
different phases in selection of software and hardware? How make vs buy
decision are made.
9. (a) What is a system and subsystem?
Define coupling.
(c) What
is alpha testing?
(d) Name
any two information gathering tools.
(e) What
is structured English?
(f) Give
any two software selection criteria.
Describe any two characteristics of output interface design.
(h) What
is process model?
(i) What
is prototype model?
(j) What
are the main attributes of decision tables?
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