Introduction to RDBMS
Code: BCA303
Programme: Bachelor of Computer Applications
Year / Semester: 3rd Semester
The objective of this course is to understand database concepts and to know how to create, maintain, and the use a database.
Credits: 3
Introduction to RDMS and Oracle
Approaches to data management Database management- An Evolution Introduction to DBMS Database models The rules( Code’s Rules) Database Design i)Data Modeling ii)Entity Relationship Diagram iii)Normalization
Relational Database Management System( RDBMS) Features of Oracle Introduction to SQL
i) Introduction to SQL j) Querying database tables k) Aggregate Functions l) Grouping the Result of Query m) ROLLUP operation, CUBE operation n) Querying Multiple Tables o) Collating Information Equi Joins 1 Cartesian Joins Outer Joins Self Joins Set Operator Union Intersect Minus Nested Queries Functions 1. Column Functions 2. Arithmetic Function 3. Character Functions Data Functions General Functions 4. Group Functions Data Manipulation Data Definition Language (DDL) Creating Tables Creating a Tables with data from another table Inserting values into table 1. Updating Columns of a table 2. Deleting Rows from table 3. Dropping a Column Introduction to Views Dropping of VIEW Database Security and Privileges GRANT and REVOKE Command Sequences COMMIT and ROLLBACK
Introduction to PL/ SQL The Advantage of LP/SQL Fundamentals of PL/SQL PL/SQL Data Types Variables a Constants Scope and Visibility of a Variables 1. Assignments and Expressions Operator Precedence Built – in Functions Conditional and Iterative Control 2. SQL within PL/SQL
1. Cursor Management in PL/ SQL 2. Cursor Manipulation 3. Implicit Cursor Attributes o Exception Handling in PL/ SQL predefined Exceptions User Defined Exceptions 4. Advanced Pl/ SQL 5. Subprograms in PL/SQL 6. Procedure 7. Functions 8. Stored packages
Database Triggers
Introduction to SQLJ, Integrators Introduction to SQLJ 1 SQLJ Iterates Calling stored procedure and functions Implementing object Technique What is Object Technology? 2 What is an Object? 3 Basic Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
Suggested Readings:
ELMASRI NAVATHE, Fundamentals of database System.
Database System Concept, Silberschatz, Korth. Sudarshan
Aspects of Database and program security; B. Sudhir Kumar Reddy
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