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Monday, December 7, 2015

Roll No.................................            
Examination May –2014
Communicative English
Paper Code (BTHU-101)
Paper Id. [A1103]

Time : 3 Hrs                                                                  Maximum Marks: 60
Instruction to Candidates 
1) Section A is Compulsory.
2) Attempt any four questions from Section –B 
Section - A
Q1.       Use the following words in meaningful sentences, at least two sentences on    each word. 
          (a) Extensive
          (b) Conserve
          (c) Limitation
          (d) Beforehand
          (e) Interchangeable
          (f)  Revolution
          (g) Implementation
          (h) Consciences
          (i)  Destroy
          (j)  Substance
Section – B (Attempt any Four)

Q2.   Read the following passage and answer the questions given at the end.
          Let us charter a rocket to be take us to the moon .
                   Our rocket must be shot off at a high speed -6.93 miles a second at          least – for if it starts at any lesser speed it will speed it will merely fall back        to earth , like the shot from an  ordinary gun . If it starts with a speed of        exactly 6.93          miles a second , it will just get clear of the  earth`s gravitational      pull, but after it has got clear , it will have no appreciable speed left to carry          us on           our journey .Let us start with a speed  of  7 miles a second , then it   will still have a speed of 1 mile a second left  after it has  got clear of the     earth`s pull           and we shall reach the moon in a little over two days .
                   We only take a few seconds to pass through the earth  atmosphere ,         which is relatively hardly thicker than the skin of a plum or a peach . As      we pass through this , we gradually leave beneath us all the particles of      air, dust, water vapours and so on, which scatter the sun’s light and make        the sy look blue.  As the number of these particles decreases we see the sky          assuming in          turn the colours—blue, dark blue and black grey.  Finally, we leave the earth’s atmosphere beneath us and see the sky become jet black,           except for the sun, moon and stars.  These look brighter then they did from      the earth, and also bluer because none of the blue light has been subtracted from them     to make a blue sky. And the stars no longer   twinkle at us as they did on earth     because there is no atmosphere to      disturb the even flow of their light.  They   seem now to stab our eyes with           sharp steely needles of light.  If we look     back at our earth we shall see about half of its surface shrouded in mists, clouds, and showers.  But in   front, the whole surface of the moon shines out   perfectly clear.
          i.        Why does the sky turn black the earth’s atmosphere?
          ii.       Why do the stars twinkle when looked at from the earth?
          iii.      Why do moon rockets fly at a speed of more than 6.93 miles per                        second?
          iv.      According to the passage which of the following two statements are                            true?
                   a) earth’s atmosphere is quite thick, relatively speaking.
                   b) earth’s atmosphere is quit thin, relatively speaking.
                   c) it takes long to cross the earth’s atmosphere.
                   d) it takes a little time to cross the earth’s atmosphere.
                   e) earth’s atmosphere extends to the moon.
          v.       Tick the two reasons why the surface of the moon looks clear when                             viewed from the space.
                   a) the sun shines directly and more clearly
                   b) we are closer the moon
                   c) the moons atmosphere does not have dust or fog.
                   d) the moon’s surface is more clearly defined that the earth’s.
                   e) except blue, dark blue and grey, moon doesn’t have many colours.

 Q3.   Computers and internet are fast replacing the traditional teachers and books.    Many people think that future education will do away with the age old     classrooms and libraries? Discuss both the situations and give your opinions      about          their negative or positive effects on learners.  Your write-up should be       250-300 words.

Q4.    You recently visited a science museum in a metro city and were highly     impressed with their collection.  Write a letter to your city mayor giving him           description of the museum and requesting him to set up a similar institution          in you city.  Your letter must justify why such a move is an important step in   the right direction.

Q5.    Given below is a comparative chart of two popular cars.  On the basis of          given data, write a review report for a web site comparing the merits of each     car and making  recommendation for the benefit of your readers.  You should write about 250-300 words.
Specifications and features
Swift VDi
Indica Vista VX

Length x width x height
3850 x 1695 x 1530mm
3795 x 1695 x 1550mm
Ground clearance

Mileage highway
Mileage city

Diesel CRDI
Diesel CRDI
1248 cubic centimeters
1248 cubic centimeters

Maximum speed
0-100 kmph
13 seconds
15 seconds

Rear trunk capacity
180 litres
232 litres
Central Locking
Power steering
Rear wash wiper
Tubeless tyres
Front Fog lights
CD player
Price (approximate)
Rs.5.70 lacs
Rs.5.10 lacs

Q6.    You recently visited cyberary in Vadodara and you are highly impressed          with latest techniques of technologies used. Write a letter to your librarian       given him description of the system and requesting him to setup a similar      cyberary in your Institution.

Q7.    Write a note on your expectations from the new Government.  You should      limit your note up to 300 words.



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