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Monday, December 7, 2015

Roll No…………….
Total No. of Questions: 09

B.Com. (Sem.-1st) (2011 onward)
Subject Code: BTHU-101/BCOP-105
Paper ID: [B1105]

Time: 3 Hrs.                                                                           Max. Marks: 60

Instruction to Candidates:
          All the questions are Compulsory.

1.       Read the following passage and answer the questions given at the end.

          The first and the most important thing in increasing one’s chances of getting employed is to get clarity on what job fits one’s personality.  People who choose careers that suit their personality are most likely to be satisfied and successful and successful.  For example, if you are flexible, spontaneous and creative then the advertising industry could be an interesting option for you.  If you like numbers and working by yourself then accounting could be the thing for you.  You need to evaluate your qualifications nand your personality traits in order to make the best choice.  Once you have identified the job field that fits your personality, it is important to identify the job requirements and align those with your education and work experience.  If you are looking for a job in an industry where you have prior work experience or have done an internship, then you an highlight this fact in your resume.
          Once you known what kind of opening you would be targeting, the prepare a good resume, which showcases you rather than your dear friend or your whole class.  Nowadays most companies use recruiting management software to screen candidates for job opening.  Resume keywords are the words that those hiring managers search for when going through their database of resumes.  In order to get noticed, your resume needs to contain keywords that directly target the jobs you are interested in.  So start searching keywords specific to your job requirements, your skills, software and technology competencies and relevant credentials.
          Most of the companies rely on recruitment agencies and job portals for acquiring the talent.  So post your resume in different placement agencies.  Apart from these, it is a good idea to pass around your resume to friends and family, and let everyone know that you are looking for a job.  A company employee can refer you when there is a job opening.
          i. How do recruiting agencies shortlist perspective candidates?
          ii. How can people decide which job will suit them most?
          iii. How can friends and family help in job hunting?
          iv. Which of following two will make your resume more attractive?
          a) Write in detail your qualifications.
          b) Mention your major personality traits.
          c) Use the vocabulary directly related to the job applied.
          d) Mention your work experience, if any, in the related industry.
          e) Mention any creative work that you have done.
          v. According to the passage, how to companies these days get the talent they    require? Choose only two.
          a) by advertising in press
          b) by engaging profession recruitment agencies
          c) by asking friends to find the right person
          d) by putting up the demand on specific websites.
          e) by directly getting in touch with prospective candidates.

2.       i. Use the following words in meaning sentences:
          Infrastructure; tactics; disable’ comfort zone; carry out
          ii. Complete the sentences as directed:
          a) If the stars were near the earth, we ….. them during the day too. (Use the           appropriate verb form with verb ‘see’)
          b) His college principle could not change his views on life. (Correct and   rewrite the sentence)
          c) Within a week, the dog cane back home. (Write the question for which           this sentence is the answer)
          d) O’ Neil said, “Some work in this area has been done before looking at the     weather forecast”.  (Rewrite in the indirect speech)
          e)______you go to Delhi or Dublin, you find people all the same, (Fill the         blank with suitable conjunction)

3.       Of late many Indian families have started taking long holidays to other    countries.  What do you think are the advantages or disadvantage of this         trend? If there are any special effects on young people, illustrate them with     examples.  Your write-up should be between 250-300 words.

4.       Your neighborhood has been experiencing frequent and unannounced power     cuts.  Write a letter to the chief engineer electricity explaining him/her the          hardships that people face and the damage it causes to various domestic        gadgets and equipment.  Also suggest measures to minimize the damage.

5.       In the month of July 2012 many states of India reported deficient rains.  Given below is a chart showing the percentage of rain deficit in five states     and its effect on agriculture.  Write a report in the form of a note states and    its effect on agriculture.  Write a report in the form of a note (about 250       words) to your Director summarising the given information and making        proposal about how much financial help each state should get.

Rain deficit (2012)
Sowing Area hectare (2012)
Sowing Area hectare (2011)
13 lac
18 lac
Fall in Rice production: 25%
Drop in contribution to central pool: 45%
16 lac
25 lac
Fall in production Cereals: 43%
Pulses: 53%
Oilseeds: 37%
Uttar Pradesh
6.3 lac
15 lac
Fall in rice production: 15-20%
Other crops near normal
12.5 lac
18 lac
Rice plantation delayed worst affected: maize
8.3 lac
9 lac
No major effect.


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