Roll No……….
Total No. of Questions: 13
Paper ID
(S05) (101) (Old) (Sem.-1st)
(101) (New) / B.Sc.IT (104) (New)
Time: 3 Hrs. Max.
Marks: 75
Instruct ion to Candidates:
1. Section-A is Compulsory.
2. Attempt any Nine questions from Section-B.
What is the definition of computer?
Convert the decimal number 126 into hexadecimal number.
What is hamming code?
What is the function of program counter?
What is the difference between RAM and ROM?
What are voice recognition devices?
List the types of plotters.
What is the difference between computer software and computer hardware?
What are the limitations of MS-DOS?
Describe file management in windows.
How we can enter graphs in PowerPoint?
How we can insert table in word document?
What is cell?
What is sorting?
What is compiler?
Q2. Draw
the block diagram of computer and explain all the components of computer.
Q3. Explain
various error detecting and correcting methods.
Q4. What
is the advantage of secondary storage? Explain various secondary storage devices.
Q5. What
is associative memory? Explain its advantages.
Q6. What
is input device? Describe different input devices in detail.
Q7. What
are the main features of PowerPoint?
Q8. Compare
windows operating system with MS-DOS?
Q9. Explain
the features of excel.
Q10. What
are different addressing modes? Explain all addressing modes.
Q11. What
is assembly language? Give its advantages over machine language.
What are BCD numbers? How will you compare them with hexadecimal numbers?
Q13. What
is operating system? Explain the functions of operating system.
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