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Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Roll No……..
Total No. of Questions:07

BBA (Sem.-1st)
PAPER ID: [C0205]

Time:03 Hrs.                                                                          Max. Marks:60
Instruction to Candidates:
1.     Section-A is Compulsory.
2.     Attempt any four questions from Section-B.

Q1. Do as directed:
(a)  Change the voice:
i)                   They called many people for help.
ii)                Post this letter.
(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions:
i)                   You should abide……….the rules.
ii)                You should take care…….your health.
(c)  Translate the following into Punjabi or Hindi.
i)                   Drop me near the college.
ii)                It has nothing to do with you.
(d) Correct where necessary the conjunction used in the following sentences:
i)                   Not only he was inured but ruined.
ii)                Neither his action was just or unjust.
(e)  Make two sentences of each word using it as noun and as verb:
i)                   Feed
ii)                Book
(f)   Correct the position of adverb in the following sentences:
i)                   He only died a week ago.
ii)                He almost has finished his task.
(g)  Give synonyms:
i)                   Cheap
ii)                Malady
(h) Give antonyms:
i)                   Centre
ii)                Greed
(i)    Use the definite article ‘the’ where required:
i)                   India manufactures…….cars of three different kinds.
ii)                …teacher who teaches us English was trained at …..Patiala.
(j)    Correct the following:
i)                   Do not prevent me to work.
ii)                He carefully investigated into the case.

Q2.    What do we mean by effective communication? What is its importance in today’s world?

Q3.    An advertisement has appeared in The Hindustan Time for the post of a Sales Manager in a reputed company.  Draft an application along with resume to apply for the same.  Invent the necessary details.

Q4.    Suppose you are working as  Junior Engineer in a company.  You require financial help for organizing your sister’s marriage.  Write an application to the General Manager requesting for an advance from your salary.  Invent the necessary details.

Q5.    Write a detailed note on the importance of non-verbal communication.

Q6.    Write a paragraph on any one of the following:
(a)  Science & Technology in everyday life.
(b) Hostel life.
(c)  One day while I was travelling by train.

Q7.    Make a précis.  Also suggest a suitable title:

          A vital factor in the success of any business is the right selection of its administrative staff.  In this matter, management has the inescapable function not only of making the right selection, but also having made it, of providing the fullest scope for legitimate ambition and individual advancement.  A management which is so petty as to be jealous of the powers and authority of the officers will naturally select staff of the sub-missive type, docile men who are accustomed to obey without question.  It would not take the risk of engaging able and independent-minded employees for the fear that it may one day be supplanted by them.  A really go-ahead management which understands the mood of the present times will do the direct opposite.  It will seek out men capable of evolving policies within their own sphere and will train them to rise to the highest position.  In connection with most administrative bodies, management is self-perpetuating and is responsible for its own succession.  Even the ablest management cannot foresee the future with certainly; its decision, for the future, are at best intelligent guesses.  What, however, it can and must do is to make available the enterprise to the men who will be capable of taking the decisions of the future and who are qualified, trained and tested during the present to do so.  No management can rely upon a constant supply of geniuses.  It must so train its staff that, during normal times, the enterprise is capable of being run effectively by men of not much more than average ability and with a robust sense of purpose.


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