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Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Roll No…..
Total No. of Questions: 09

BBA,BRDM, Bachelor in Service Industry Management(Sim) (Sem.-1st)
Subject Code: BBA-104
Paper ID: [C1124]

Time: 3 Hrs.                                                                           Max. Marks: 60

1) Section -A has 10 compulsory short notes of two marks each.
2) Section B has 08 questions of 10 marks each (two questions from each unit with choice between
2 and 3 (unit i), 4 and 5 (unit ii), 6 and 7 (unit iii) and 8 and 9 (unit iv). It is compulsory to attempt one question from each unit.
a)       Correct the following sentences
i)       I asked for his book, but he did not lend me
ii)      The boy who does best he will get a prize.
b)      Fill in the blank with suitable prepositions
i)       I bought it.................seventy rupees.
ii)      He broke the jug.............a hundred pieces.
c)       Fill in the correct verb
i)       When he lived in Hyderabad, he....................... To the cinema once a week
ii)      I................. Rahim at the Zoo
d)      Combine each set of sentences into one simple sentence by using prepositions with nouns.
i)       He must confess his fault. He may thus escape punishment.
ii)      I forgave him his fault. That has not prevented him from repeating it.
e)       Put the following n indirect speech
i)       The teacher said to him. "Do not read so fast".
ii)      He said to me. "Wait until I come".
f)       Punctuate the following with
i)       When I was in Delhi I visited Red Fort Outab Minar Raj Ghat India Gate and Chandni Chowk?
ii)      Your wife would give you little thanks is she was present to hear you make this offer.
g)       List kinds of business letters
h)      List do's and don’t of reviewing a newspaper article
i)       List major heads of CV
j)       What is the need for intra departmental communication?

Q.2.   What are different kinds of nouns? Form abstract Nouns from the following adjectives
i) Ignorant            ii) Cruel                iii) just       iv) Wide
v) Sane                 vi) Vacant           vii) proud   viii) Wise
ix) Vain                x) Sweet
Q.3.   What is a conjunction? What are different classes of conjunctions? Fill in the blanks with appropriate conjunctions
i)       Open rebuke is better.............. Secret love
ii.)     ................... you eat too much you will be ill
iii)     I shall not go.................I am invited
iv)     He has succeeded better..................he hoped
v)      I do it..................I choose to
vi) .   .................... duty calls us we must obey
Q.4.   What is the difference between simple, compound and complex sentence? In the following complex sentences identify the main and the subordinate clause
i) Quarrels would not last long if the fault were only on one side.
ii) Tell me the news as you have heard
iii) He that has most time has non to lose
iv) Everything comes, if a man will only work and wait.
v) My heart leaps up when I behold a rainbow in the sky
Q.5.   What do you understand by transformation of sentence? Please write short notes on following forms of transformation
i) Interchange of degree of comparison
ii) Interchange of active and passive voice
iii) Interchange of interrogative and assertive sentences.

Q.6.   Discuss   the   communication   process   while   highlighting   the   barriers   to   effective communication. Also suggest ways of decreasing these barriers.
Q.7.   What  is  importance  of  business  communication?  Outline Shannon  and  Wavers  model  of Communication.   What   are   the   essential   of   improving   effectiveness   of   business  communication?
Q.8.   Write short notes on following:
i) 10 rules for Email etique
ii) Layout of a letter.
0.9.    Differentiate between verbal and non verbal communication? What are major components of Non verbal communication?

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