Roll No......................
Total No. Of Questtions:13
Paper ID [ A0210]
BCA (205)(S05)(O)
Time : 03 Hrs.
Instruction to Candidates:
1. Section
– A is Compulsory
2. Attempt
any Nine questions from Section – B
a. Convert
40 from decimal to octal number.
b. Convert
DF from hex to decimal number.
c. What
are Minterms and Maxterms?
d. What
is a combinational circuit?
e. What
is a half – adder?
f. What
is a flip-flop?
g. What
is an asynchronous input ?
h. What
is a shift register?
i. Subtract
101 from 1011 using2’s complement.
j. Subtract
1101 from 1111 using 1’s complement.
k. What
is an error correcting code?
l. What
is an encoder?
m. What
are universal gate?
n. What
is a T flip- flop?
o. What
is positive logic?
– B
2. Enumerate
the features of Hamming code.
3. Explain
SOP and POS function with examples.
4. Using De – Morgan’s
Laws converts the NAND function Y= (AB) ‘ into NOR function.
5. Explain
the essential features of the Karnaugh Map. What are their advantages and disadvantages?
6. Discuss
the features of the Quine – Mccluskey method.
7. What
is multiplexer? Construct a 64- to 1 multiplexer using 4*1 MUX.
8. Draw
an S-R flip- flop using NOR gates and
develop its truth table.
9. Compare
between synchronous and asynchronous counters.
10. What is the race –
around problem, and how is it rectified?
11. Discuss the various
types of shift registers and their applications.
12. Discuss the Master
Slave JK flip flop with the help of suitable block diagram.
13. What is an up down
counter? Design an updown counter which counts from 0 to 9.
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