Term-End Examination
December, 2013
Time : 3
hours Maximum
Weightage : 70%
Note : (i) All the four questions are compulsory.
(ii) All the
questions carry equal weightage.
1. Answer the following question in
about 600 words :
Briefly discuss the present situation
of HIV/AIDS in India. Discuss how India can benefit from the initiatives taken
by various other countries in this regard.
Critically discuss the staging system
for patients with HIV/AIDS in India evolved by the National Aids Control
Organisation (NACO).
2. Answer the following question in
about 600 words :
Discuss how HIV is transmitted through
blood and blood products ?
What do you understand by Pre-test and
post-test counselling to help HIV infected
patients ? Briefly explain the steps
followed in the process of counselling.
3. write a short notes or any four of the following in about 150 words each :
(a) Role of school in preventing drug
addiction among students.
(b) School program for HIV and AIDS
prevention in India.
(c) Role of values and morals in the
prevention of HIV/AIDS.
(d) Palliative care of HIV/AIDS
(e) Main content to be covered for
HIV/AIDS program for adolescents.
(f) Ethical issues in categories for
prevention of HIV/AIDS.
4. Answer the following question in
about 600 words :
In a discussion with students,
colleagues and parents on the various modes of transmission of HIV and the
precautions required to be taken for prevention, you must have come across a
variety of views and suggestions. In the midst of this how,
you as a teacher, would convince them
that modification of the individuals behavior is the safest and surest way of
preventing HIV/AIDS.
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