2013 27518
Time : 3 hours Maximum
Weightage : 70%
Note : (i) All the four questions are compulsory.
(ii) All the questions carry equal
1. Answer the following question in about 600 words :
State the objectives of teaching social studies in secondary
school curriculum. Explain how it can contribute in the overall development of
learners at secondary level.
What are the purposes of evaluation in Social Studies ?
Discuss how the knowledge of various aspect of evaluation helps a teacher of
social studies to achieve these purposes.
2. Answer the following question in about 600 words :
Mention briefly town planning and economic conditions of
the people of Indus Valley
Civilization. Develop an instructional strategy including
specific instructional objectives, teaching-learning activities and evaluation
items to teach this topics.
Explain the significance of maintenance of environmental
balance. Develop an instructional
strategy including specific instructional objectives, teaching
- learning activities and evaluation items to teach this topic.
3. Write short answers on any four of the following questions in about 150 words each :
(a) Explain how the technique of questioning can be
effectively used in teaching of social studies with examples.
(b) State how graphs can be used in teaching Social
Studies with examples.
(c) What methods and media you will use to explain the
social infrastructure of Indian economy?
(d) State various types of equality in a democratic country.
Write one instructional objective on each type of equality.
(e) What is a unit plan ? Give an example of a unit plan
on any topic from Social Studies Curriculum at the secondary level.
(f) What are the major types of national vegetation found
in India ? Construct four Multiple-choice type questions on this topic.
4. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Identify a topic of your choice from Social Studies and
prepare 10 frames of Programmed Learning Materials (PLM) using linear style
highlighting the important stages of preparing PLM.
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North India Campus