Roll No……..
Total No. of Questins:9]
B.Tech. (Sem. – 3rd
- 203
Paper ID : [A0452]
Time : 03 Hours
Instruction to Candidates:
1) Section - A is Compulsory.
2) Attempt any Four questions from
Section - B.
3) Attempt any Two questions from
Section - C.
Section - A
a) What do you mean by chromatic
b) Define Euler graph.
c) Define Semi-group.
d) Write down DeMorgan's law for
e) Check whether Relation I of
divisibility on the set N of positive integers
is an equivalence relation or not? Justify
your answer.
f)Find Chromatic number for
bipartite Graph (Kr, r).
g) Postfix expression for the infix
expression A+B * (C+D)/F+D * E is....
h) Write down the inclusion and
exclusion principle on sets.
i) Define ring with example.
j) Find the multiplication table
for G: { l, 2,3,4,5, 6} under multiplication
modulo 7.
Section - B
Q2) What do you mean by cyclic group? Show that any subgroup
of a cyclic group is cyclic.
Q3) Solve the recurrence relation, an = 3an-1
+10an-2, n
2, given a0=
1, a1=-4.

Q4) (a) Using Graph Representation of a relation how we can
identify that a Relation is
Reflexive, symmetric and anti-symmetric.
(b) Let X: {1, 2,3,4,5,6,7} and R: {(x, y)
x -y is divisible by 3} Check whether this equivalence
Relation or riot? Give appropriate

reason in support of your answer?
Q5) Give an example of a graph and explain for the following
(a) A Graph is having Hamiltonian
and Euler Circuit.
(b) A Graph is having Hamiltonian
Circuit but not an Euler Circuit.
(c) A Graph is having Euler Circuit
but not an Hamiltonian Circuit.
Q6) How many integer S between 1 and 300 (inclusive) are
(a) Divisible by at least one of 3,
(b) Divisible by 3 and 5, not by 7.
(c) Divisible by 5 but neither by 3
or 7?
Section - C
Q7) Define the following terms with help of example
(a) Ring
(b) Fields.
Q8) Consider the group G : { I, 2, 3, 4, 5) under
multiplication modulo 6.
(a) Find the multiplication table
of G.
(b) Prove that G is a group.
(c) Find 2-r,3-t and 1-r.
(d) Find the orders and subgroups
generated by 2 and 3.
(e) Is G cyclic. Justify your answer.
Q9) (a) Let G : (V
E) be an undirected graph with k-components and lVl : n,
lEl: m. Prove that m> n - k .
(b) Explain any two applications of
Coloring of a Graph.
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