Roll No.
Total No. of Questions :
BCA (Sem.–3rd)
Subject Code : BC-305
Paper ID : [B0213]
Time : 3 Hrs.
1. Section-A is compulsory.
2. Attempt any Four questions form Section-B.
a) List any three applications of microprocessor.
b) Explain 8085 microprocessor's instruction cycle?
c) What is 8bit microprocessor? List any two 8 bit microprocessor
d) What is microcontroller? Explain.
e) Draw pin diagram of Intel 8086 microprocessor.
D List various general purpose register available in Intel 8085.
g) What is accumulator? Explain its role in 8085 microprocessor.
h) What is use of flag in microprocessor?
r) What is INTR and INTA? Explain.
j) Explain how Dual core is different from core 2 Duo.
Section - B
Q2) What is microprocessor? Discuss its evolution. Draw and explain
the architecture of Intel 8085 microprocessor.
Q3) What is instruction? Explain instruction format? Discuss various
types of instruction used in 8085 microprocessor.
Q4) Write a note on the following :
(a) DMA controller.
(b) Clock generator.
Q5) What is interrupt? Explain the difference between hardware and
software interrupt. Also explain the working of 8257 interrupt controller.
Q6) What is real and protected mode memory addressing? Also explain
various addressing modes available in Intel 8086.
Q7) Write a note on the following :
(a) CISC and RISC Processor.
(b) Arithmetic Co-processor.
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