M.TECH, 2014
Subject code: PE-521
Paper ID: [E0456]
Time: 3 Hrs. Max
Marks: 100
Attempt any five questions. Questions carry equal . Missing data if any may be suitably assumed.
a) State the present definition of meter. What is repeatability of
this standard? (3+3=6)
b) Three 100mm of end bars are measured
on a level comparator by first wringing them together and
comparing with a 300mm bar and then
inter-comparing them.
The 300mm bar has a known error of 40mm and the three 0bar together
measure 64mm less then e the 300mm bar. Bar A is 18mm longer than bar B and23mm
longer than bar c. find length of bar A. B and C.
a) Stats an optical property of the
surface which enables an autocollimator to be used for 16 angular
b) Describe and sketch the
principle of auto collimation. An autocollimator
may be used for testing alignment at right angles to a datum. Show how this may
be carried out and described with the
aid of sketches and accessories used.
a) A cylindrical component is required
to be straight within 0.015mm and round within a tolerance of 0.01mm .Suggest a practical way of measuring these in the
b) State the reasons of formation of
various irregularities found in the surface texture. Show how surface having the same
numerical assessment may have
different properties of texture.
Q4. Explain in detail any of the absolute
length gauge interferometer.
Q5. Describe any one of the optical
comparators . Derive an expression for its magnification.
Q6. With a neat diagram, show clearly these
essential principles or movement 0of a machine designed to measure the effective diameter of
an external thread using two wire
Q7. Explain
with the aid of a diagram a typical
‘rolling’ gear tester. Describe four
different tests which
can be carried out in this equipment and state the information you would expect together
from each test.
a) Write different criteria for
selection of gauging equipments.
b) A random sample was taken of the
internal mean diameter of nuts produced
by a
manufacturer .The mean was 7.5mm
with a standard deviation of 0.1mm . If nuts having a diameter of 7.375 and 7.583mm are acceptable what percentage is
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