M.TECH(PE) (Sem.
Subject code: EC-520
Paper ID: [E0577]
Time: 3 Hrs. Max
Marks: 100
Attempt any five question of
eight questions
Each questions carry TWRNTY marks
a) Distinguish between static and
alternate routing in a circuit awitching networks.
b) What are some of the limitations of
usim=ng a circuit-switching networks for data transmission?
c) Explain the operation of TCP/IP
protocol with appropriate diagram. (6+7+7)
a) What are some key characteristics
that distinguish third generation cellular systems from second-generation
cellular systems?
b) What are the difrances between
satellite based and terrestrial wireless communications?
c) What are three actors that limit the
number of subchannels that can be provided with in a satellite channel via
FDMA? (8+5+7+)
a) What are three key factors related to
satellite communicition oerfomance?
b) What are the three key diffrences
among IEEE 802.16, IEEE 802.162, and
IEEE 80216.3?
c) In a typical mobile IP impementation
in a foreint agent, the agent maintains a visitor table that contains
information about the mobile nodes currently visiting this network. What
entries are essential for row of the mobile? (6+8+6)
a) List and briefly explain key
requirements for wireless LANs.
b) How is the concept of an association
to that of mobility.
c) What
are the key advantages and disadvantages of infrared LANs?
d) Briefly
define IEEE 802.11 servies. (4+6+4+6)
a) Discuss the brief different types of
hand off strategies.
b) What are the incentives for power
control in a TDMA network? Name the elements of the GSM system that are
involved in the handling power control.
c) As a mobile unit in communication
with base station moves, what factors determine the needs for power control and
of power adjustment? (7+7+6)
a) What mechanisms would casyse
breakdown in the revers link of an IS-95 CDMA system as the number of user in a
sector approaches the theoretical limit?
b) The IS-95 system user a rate ½ convolutional encoding in the forward channel
and rate 1/3 convolutional coding in the
reversc channel. What were the reasons
for doing so?
c) What is the difference between traffic intensity and the mean rate of call on a system? (8+7+5)
a) List four significant factors which
influence the choice of speech coders in mobile
communication systems. Elaborate on the tradeoff which are caused by
each factor. Rank order the factros based on your personal view point, and
defend your possition.
b) What is the necessity of non uniform
quantization in a PCM system? (11+9)
a) What is te difference between TDD and
b) What is the purpose of using modulo 2
arithmetic rather than binary arithmetic
in computing an FCS?
c) List
and briefly explain IEEE802 protocol
d) Wht
are the two different type of distination addresses that can be assigned to a
mobile node while it is attached to a foreign network? Under whar circumstances
would a mobile node choose to use each of the tpes of address?
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