Roll No. ......................
Total No. of Questions : 09]
B.Tech. (Sem. –
– 206
Paper ID : [A0711]
Time : 03 Hours
Instruction to Candidates:
1) Section - A is Compulsory.
2) Attempt any Four questions from
Section - B.
3) Attempt any Two questions from
Section - C.
Section - A
a) Define Specific weight of fluid.
b) Differentiate between vacuum
pressure and Gauge pressure.
c) What is buoyancy force?
d) Differentiate between rotational
and rotational fluid.
e) Write the formula of discharge
through orifice meter.
f) What is the basic principle of
momentum conservation?
g) Define Metacentric height?
h) What do you mean by dynamic
i) Differentiate between energy and
j) Draw the velocity profile of
flow through pipe for turbulence flow.
2. Define Notches and its types. Derive an expression for
the discharge through
a rectangular notche.
3. Define the terms “pressure intensity” and “pressure
head”. Give the
relation between them.
4. State and prove Newton’s law of viscosity. Also
differentiate between
Newtonian and non-Newtonian
4. A crude oil of viscosity 0.9 poise and relative density
0.9 is flowing
through a horizontal circular
pipe of diameter 120mm and length 12m.
Calculate the difference of
pressure at the two ends of the pipe, if
785N of the oil is collected in a
tank in 25 seconds.
5. Draw a detailed diagram of “inverted U-tube differential
Under what pressure conditions it
can be used?
6. Draw a neat sketch of venturimeter. State why the length
of divergent
cone is made longer?
7. Define the following terms regarding a system with
flowing liquid :
a) Elevation head, pressure head
and velocity head.
b) Static pressure, dynamic pressure,
total pressure, Energy loss and
head loss.
8. The diameter of horizontal pipe which is 300mm is
suddenly enlarged
to 600mm. The
rate of flow of water through this pipe is 0.4m^3/sec.
If the
intensity of pressure in the smaller pipe is 125KN/m2, determine:
a) loss of head due to sudden
b) Intensity of pressure in the
larger pipe.
Power lost due to enlargement.
9. Derive an expression for the depth of centre of pressure
of a vertically
immersed surface.
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