Roll No.
Total No. of questions-07
BCA (Sem.-6"‘)
Principles of Management
Subject Code: BSBC 601
Time Allowed: 03 Hrs. Maximum Marks: 60
Instructions to Candidates:-
1) Section A is. compulsory
2) Attempt any 4 questions from Section 8.
Section A (2 x 10=20)
(a) What are Public undertakings? Name any two types of Public Undertakings.
(b) Difference between Partnership and Sole trade business.
(c) Discuss the role played by a manager in the present context of business.
(d) Explain 4 Principles of delegation.
(e) What is Hallo Error of Performance Appraisal?
(f) Applicability of theory X and theory Y.
(3) Distinguish between recruitment and selection?
(h) Explain the concept of training and development.
(i) Explain the six P’s of Planning?
(j) Explain the concept of control.
Section B
( 2) What are different forms of organization from ownership point of view? Explain briefly with
merits and demerits.
( 3 )
(i) Planning is looking ahead and Controlling is looking Backwards ”. Discuss.
(ii)The essence of management is co-ordination, Discuss.
( 4) What is departmentalization?. Discuss the steps involved in the process. What types of dangers
are faced in departmentalization?
( 5 ) Leadership is situational. In the light of this statement, discuss the various theories of
leadership in brief.
( 6) What do you mean by controlling? What are the prerequisites of a control system?
( 7 ) Explain training?. Discuss various methods of imparting training?
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