6th Exam/Mech/5306/May’08
Duration: 3 Hrs. Max
Marks: 75
Note: Attempt any five questions. O. No. ‘l is compulsory.
Q1 Fill in the blanks: - _
i. The GOP of Carnot pump is ___________than of the GDP of a
________ refrigerator.
ii. In a refrigeration system. The_________ pressure is kept
as __________ as ________ possible.
iii. Volurnetric efficiency_________
iv. The unit of GOP. Is___________
v. The refrigerant used in ice-plant is
vi. The efficiency of a coil will be when its bypass factor
vii. The unit of refrigeration is
viii. A fan used to remove the air gases from as space by
suction is known as
02 a. Differentiate between a refrigerator and a heat ‘pump
with line diagram.
b.. Use PV and T-S diagrams to explain ideal refrigerator
and find CUP.
Q3 A reversed Carnot
cycle is used for heating and cooling.
The work supplied is 10 KW. If the COP is 3.5 for cooling determines:
i. T2/T1
ii. Refrigeration effect in tons.
iii. COP for heating
04 a. Give the comparison of simple vapour compression with
reversed carnot cycle with reference of TS diagrams.
b. Drive the relation for clearance volumetric efficiency
and also shown the same on PV diagram.
Q5 a. Explain Electrolux refrigerator with flow diagram. '10
b. Give any five Halocarbon refrigerants with their chemical
formula and numerical desrgnattons.
Q6 a. In a laboratory test the sling-psychomotor recorded
the following reading:
Dry bulb temp=3fl”C. wet bulb temp=25DC
a. Vapour pressure
b. Specific humidity
c. Relative humidity
d. Vapour density in air
e. Enthalpy of the mixture per Kg of dry air
Q7 a. Draw labeled psychometric
chart and explain briefly.
b. Draw layout of modern air-conditioning system.
Q8 Write short “notes on any three:
i. Labeled diagram of evaporator condenser
ii. Thermostatic expansion valve
iii. Rotary compressor
iv. Shell and coil condenser
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