Exam/Mech/5306/May’ 10
Duration: 3 Hrs.
Marks: 75
Note: Attempt any five questions.
Q1 Sketch the T- (1: and p-h diagrams for the vapour
compressor cycles when the vapour after compression is:
a. dry saturated
b. wet
Q2 What is sub-cooling and super heating? Explain with the
help of diagram. Why is super heating considered to be good in certain cases?
03 a. Discuss the properties of R-717. R-22. R-11. R-12
b. Explain the working of Bell-Collemann cycle and give
expressions for mass flow rate, work done and COP.
04 a. Draw a neat diagram of Lithium Bromide absorption
system and explain its working. List the major fields of application of this
b. Discuss solar power refrigeration system.
Q5 a. What is the functions and essential requirements of a
condenser in refrigerator? Discuss fire and forced convection condensers.
b. Define volumetric efficiency of a compressor.
Q6 3. Discuss the functions. advantages and disadvantages of
DX evaporators.
b. Explain the working principle of thermostatic expansion
valve with the help of neat diagram.
07 What do you understand by "Psychometric’? Define:
i. Specific humidity
ii. Relative humidity
iii. DBT
iv. WBT
v. DPT
vi. Latent heat
vii. Degree of saturation
08 a. What are the different heat sources for calculation of
heat load and discuss the factors. which contribute towards load of an air
conditioning room?
b. What do you understand by various lines of psychometric
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