Exam/ Mech/5313/Dec’ 03
Duration 3 Hrs. M.Marks: 75
Qt. a) Fill in the blanks:
l) A simple air-cooling system is good for - flight speeds.
ii} in a domestic vapour compression refrigerator. the
refrigerant commonly used is
iii) The optimum temperature at which most enzymes act’
rapidly is-about
iv) The wet bulb depression is zero, when relative humidity
is equal to
v) The sensible heat factor for auditorium cinema Hail is
generally kept as
b) Write True-or False.
i) The C.O.Ii3. is
the reciprocal of the efficiency of a heat engine.
ii) The expansion valve in a refrigerator controls the flow
of refrigerant.
iii) During sub-cooling. Sensible heat from a liquid
refrigerant is removed.
iv) The absolute humidity is the mass of water vapor present
in 1 Kg of dry air.
v}- A low wet bulb temperature indicates very high humidity.
Section B
02. Attempt any five questions:
a) Discuss the advantage of the dense air refrigerating
system over an open Air refrigerating system.
b) Why in practice a throttle valve is used ln vapor
compression refrigerator system rather than expansion cylinder to reduce
pressure between the condenses and the evaporator.
c) Name the various methods of leak detection and explain one
of them.
d) What are the desirable properties of an ideal
refrigerant? 5
e) When 'is dehumidification of air is necessary and how it
is achieved?
t) What are the merits and demerits of vapour absorption
g) Describe in brief. Functions and constructional details
of solenoid valve.
Section C
03 Attempt pt any three 3 questions:
i. Explain with neat sketch the working of central system of
ii. Draw
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