Exam/AutoEngg/919341/ Dec’09
Duration: 3 Hrs- Max.
Marks: 75
Note: Attempt any five questions.
Q1 Enumerate the various functions that a farm tractor can
perform. High light any one in details.
02 a. What do you understand by ‘Draft control system’?
B . List out various hydraulic components used in a tractor.
03 Discuss the salient features of ‘Power Transmission' and
'Final Drive' of a tractor.
04 What do you understand by supplementary systems in a
tractor? What is their role?
05 Why the tractor front wheels are smaller in comparison to
the rear wheels? What are the technical advantages of this arrangement?
Q6. List out the
various earth moving machinery and equipment in use. Discuss any one in detail.
Q7. Attractor has
been towed to a garage with defect ‘N-OT STARTING”. What can be the likely causes
for this defect and hover will you trace the same.
Q8 Write short note on any two:
i. Maintenance of tractor
ii. Prominent makes -of Indian Tractors
iii. Dual versus tandem tyres
iv Power take off Shaft
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