Roll No.
Total No. of Questions : 13]
[Total No. of Pages : 02
J-3650[S-1506] [2037]
B.Sc. (IT) (Semester - 4th / 6)
(B.Sc.(IT) -602/603/403)
Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 75
Instruction to Candidates:
1) Section-A is compulsory.
2) Attempt any Nine questions from Section-B.
a) What is Container class?
b) What is Frame Class?
c) How can we set a window’s title?
(1) What is an event source?
e) Write a note on event classes?
i) Why is I/O handling important in Java?
g) What are the Constructors that can be used to create a File object?
h) What is multithreading?
i) What is a Socket?
j) Write a note on buffered output streams?
k) What is SQL?
1) What is the role of JDBC-ODBC bridge?
m) Explain Transport layer in RMI Architecture?
11) Explain Remote reference layer?
0) Write a note on HTTP Servlets?
(9 X 5 = 45)
Q2) Write a Java program to create a Frame window within an Applet?
Q3) Briefly explain different Layouts?
Q4 What is MouseMotionListner interface?
Q5) What is KeyListner interface?
Q6) How can sockets be examined from address and the port information
associated with it?
Q7) Explain TCP/IP Client socket?
Q8) Explain thread life cycle?
Q9) Explain UDP Protocol?
Q1 0) Explain Thread Synchronization?
Q11) Explain Driver manager Class?
Q12) With the help of suitable example explain how one can provide reference to
remote objects?
Q13) Differentiate between socket and RMI Programming?
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