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Total No. of Questions : 13] [Total No. of Pages : 02
Paper ID [Ao322]
(Please fill this Paper ID in OMR Sheet)
B.Sc. (IT - 602/403/603) (Old/New) (Sem. - 6)
Instruction to Candidates:
1) Section - A is Compulsory.
2) Attempt any Nine questions from Section - B.
Section - A
a) What is multithreading.
b) What are GridBaglayouts.
c) What is the function of main thread in java program.
d) What is the difference between client side programming and server side
e) What is a thread life cycle.
f) What is doGetO in java servlets?
g) Function of Proxy layer in RMI architecture?
h) What are TCP/IP protocols?
i) What is a deadlock in threads.
j) What is EJB.
k) What are read only classes.
1) What is an anonymous class.
Hi) What are labels in AWT.
11) What are java servlets.
o) How is exception handled in java. Explain with example.
Section - B
(9 X 5 = 45)Q2) Write a program to clearly signify how user defined exceptions are caught by
Q3) What is a radio button java AWT. Write a small code to exhibit its usage.
Q4) What are the restrictions imposed on applets. Give atleast three restrictions.
Q5) What are java servlets. What is java servlet lifecycle?
Q6) Explain the unicast remote object.
Q7) How are threads combined with the main class give an example also.
Q8) Is there any difference between socket and RMI programming. Explain in
each case.
Q9) Explain the features of java in detail.
Q10)Explain the following
(a) The File Class
(b) Stream Tokenizer
QI I)What is RMI architecture. Explain it in detail.
Q12)What is an applet. Write any applet as an example.
Q13)What is an N_TIER architecture. Explain the drawbacks of it.
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