Roll No
Time Allowed: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 60
Q I Explain in brief:
a) Event delegation model
b) JDBC vs. ODBC
c) How do you create a text area in Java?
(d) TCP vs. UDP
e) What do you mean by thread synchronization?
f) What is a random access file?
g) What is the difference between a class and an interface?
h) What is a socket?
i) Define a servlet’s life cycle.
j) What is a port?
Q 2
a) What are threads? How multithreading is implemented in Java?
b) Compare and contrast process based and thread based multitasking.
Q 3 Write a program to print the IP address and name of local machines and
also of three other popular Internet web sites. (10)
Q 4 Write a program that fetches the name and detail of the employee from the
Employee table using J DBC. (10)
Q 5 Write a program to read the contents of the file placed on a remote server.
Also print the URL of host and remote computer. (10)
Q 6)
What is Layout manager? Describe the use of GridLayout manager.
b) List four interfaces used in javax servlet package. Also give their use.
Q 7 Define RMI and explain the RMI architecture in detail. (10)
MAY 2014
Advanced Java Programming (BS - 308)
NOTE: Section A is compulsory. Attempt three questions from section B.
Time Allowed: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 60
Q I Explain in brief:
a) Event delegation model
b) JDBC vs. ODBC
c) How do you create a text area in Java?
(d) TCP vs. UDP
e) What do you mean by thread synchronization?
f) What is a random access file?
g) What is the difference between a class and an interface?
h) What is a socket?
i) Define a servlet’s life cycle.
j) What is a port?
Q 2
a) What are threads? How multithreading is implemented in Java?
b) Compare and contrast process based and thread based multitasking.
Q 3 Write a program to print the IP address and name of local machines and
also of three other popular Internet web sites. (10)
Q 4 Write a program that fetches the name and detail of the employee from the
Employee table using J DBC. (10)
Q 5 Write a program to read the contents of the file placed on a remote server.
Also print the URL of host and remote computer. (10)
Q 6)
What is Layout manager? Describe the use of GridLayout manager.
b) List four interfaces used in javax servlet package. Also give their use.
Q 7 Define RMI and explain the RMI architecture in detail. (10)
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