Roll No. ......................
Total No. of Questions : 09]
B.Tech. (Sem. –
- 204
Paper ID : [A0710]
Time : 03 Hours
Instruction to Candidates:
1) Section - A is Compulsory.
2) Attempt any Four questions from
Section - B.
3) Attempt any Two questions from
Section - C.
Section - A
a) What is core baking?
b) What are the different allowances for
c) Enlist the factors responsible for
electrode selection.
d) How welding processes are classified?
e) What is the difference between press
forging and drop forging?
f) Write the various products of rolling.
g) What is lathe dog? For what it is used?
h) With suitable diagram define deep drawing
i) Enlist the common rolling defects.
j) State the advantages of use of coolant in
Section - B
Q2) What are different types of pattern? Explain with
suitable diagrams.
Q3) With neat sketches explain various operations performed
on presses.
Q4) What is indexing? Explain method of simple indexing by
means of diagram showing the index head.
Q5) What is gas welding? Explain the various types of flames
used in gas welding.
Q6) Explain various types of forging defects with their
causes and remedies.
Section - C
Q7) Explain the die casting process. Compare cold chamber
die casting process with hot
chamber die casting process. Why Aluminium(Al) is preferred to be produced by
the cold chamber process?
Q8) What is
magnetic arc blow? Explain its various types. Write the causes of arc blow. How do you avoid it?
Q9) Write short note on
(a) Cutting
tool material.
(b) Extrusion
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