Roll No.
Total No. of Questions : 13]
[Total No. of Pages : 02]
Paper ID [A1619]
(Please fill this Paper ID in OMR Sheet)
B.Sc. (IT - 602) (0) (Sem. - 6)
Instruction to Candidates:
1) Section - A is Compulsory.
2) Attempt any Nine questions from Section - B.
Section - A
a) What is the basic purpose of Visual Basic .NET?
b) What is .NET Framework.
0) How would you find out the properties of the Form Class.
d) Which operating systems are supported by VB .NET?
e) Explain the Finally statement in VB.NET.
f) What are the basic differences between Functions and Procedures in VB.NET?
g) What is referred as Module Level in the code View?
h) Explain the operator precedence in VB .NET?
i) What is data type conversion? How is it done in VB.NET?
j) What is the fundamental difference between select statement and If....elseif Else statement.
k) What is overloading in VB .NET.
1) What is a context menu.
m) What is a Break Mode in VB.NET?
11) How is a breakpoint set up in VB .NET?
0) What are syntactical and logical errors?
Section - B
(9 X 5 = 45)Q2) What is an exception. How is it handled in VB .NET. Explain it with the help of a suitable Program.
Q3) What different control statements/ structures are possible in VB .NET explain them briefly by giving suitable codes as an example.
Q4) What is Event Driven Programming. How can you say that VB .NET is an event driven programming language.
Q5) State and explain all the operators and their precedence possible in VB .NET.
Q6) Design a message box that gives a message whenever the user tries to Quit from the particular form. Give the steps involved in designing the message box.
Q7) Write short notes on the following:
(a) Dim statement.
(b) Visual studio .NET work area.
Q8) What are menus. How can you design a menu with enhanced features/ options? Give the steps involved in creating a menu.
Q9) Explain the following:
(a) Radio Button.
(b) Concatenation operator.
(C) Option Explicit.
(d) Toolbars.
(e) Finally statement.
Q1 0) What is a toolbar. What all options are available in a toolbar. Explain?
Q11) What are datatypes. Explain all the data types available in VB .NET.
Q12) What is a procedure. What is the difference between a built in procedure and a user defined procedure. Explain briefly.
Q13) What different controls can be added to a form explain any two of them in detail.
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