6th Sem. Exam/Common
Duration; 3 Hrs.
Max. Marks: 75
Note: Attempt all questions.
i. Is JlT a system of production management?
ii. What is the aim of management?
iii- Are policies written or implied?
iv. Can intuition help in policy-making?
1:. In what kind of environment do strategies help?
vi. What is decision-matting?
vii. What is the effect of line organization on discipline?
viii. What is corapevine?
ix. Can informal organization he a communication chart-net?
x. What is the effect of hierarchy on operations?
xi What is the main goal of HRD?
xii. What is. the meaning of HRM?
xiii. What is the challenge in HRM?
xiv. What is the most effective motivator?
xv. What is MlS?
Section- B
Q2 Attempt any six questions.
i. What do you understand by "Management By Objectives"?
ii. Discuss the principles of organization.
iii. Define communication and discuss its importance.
iv. What are the steps involved in controlling?
it. What are the functions of marketing manager"?
vi. What are the goals of an HRD system?
vii. How does the knowledge of income-tax help?
vii. Discuss the concept of hierarchy of needs.
viii- Discuss the steps in panning.
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