Roll No.
Total No. of Questions : 07
BBA (Sem.–4th) (2007 to 2011 Batch)
Subject Code : BB-404
Paper ID : [C0221]
Time : 3 Hrs.
1. SECTION-A is COMPULSORY consisting of TEN questions carrying TWO marks each.
2. SECTION-B contains SIX questions carrying TEN marks each and students has to attempt any FOUR questions.
l. Write briefly :
a) Acceptance for ‘Honour’.
b) Bill of lading.
c) Duties of ‘Common carrier’.
d) Discharge of an instrument.
e) Partnership vs. company.
f) Proxy and quorum.
g) Statutory meeting.
h) Share warrant.
i) Limited liability of
j) Remuneration of promoters.
2. What is meant by acceptance of a bill of exchange? When
must a bill be accepted? If acceptance is refused, what steps the holder
must take?
3. Define the term banker and customer. Specify the cases in
which the duty and authority of a banker to honour his customer’s cheques
are determined.
4. “Insurance is a contract on speculation.” Examine this statement
in relation to life, fire and marine insurance.
5. What are the Articles of Association? How can they be
altered? Discuss the limits upon the powers of a company to alter or add to
the Articles of Association.
6. Define prospectus. When is a company not required to
issue a prospectus?
7. What are the provisions regarding the holding of an
annual general meeting? What business is transacted at such a meeting?
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