Roll No. .................
Total No. of Questions : 07
B.Sc. (IT)
Subject Code :
Paper ID : [B0415]
1. SECTION-A is COMPULSORY consisting of TEN questions
TWO marks each.
2. SECTION-B contains SIX questions carrying TEN marks each
and students
has to attempt any FOUR questions.
l. Answer briefly :
i. Differentiate between machine
language and assembly language.
ii. Convert the following BCD
number into Decimal number :
a. 10001001
b. 00001001
iii. Convert the following Decimal
number into Hexadecimal number :
a. 0.625
b. 0.75
iv. Write two instructions each
using register addressing.
v. What is meant by short &
long jump?
vi. What is pseudo code?
vii. Differentiate between real and
virtual memory.
viii. What are RIM and SIM instructions?
ix. What is BCD system? Where it is used?
x. What is shift register?
2. Classify 8085 instructions in various groups. Give
examples of instructions
for each group.
3. Discuss instruction cycle, machine cycle and state.
4. Explain what subroutine is. What instruction is used to
call a subroutine?
5. Write an assembly level language program for 8-bit
multiplication, product
being of 16 bits.
6. Explain the block diagram of Intel 8085.
7. Write a program that reads in two consecutive words
starting at memory
location 20FFH, ORs the two
words, ANDs the result with 55H and
then store the result in memory
location 3077H.
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