Roll No:
Total No. of Questions : 07]
BBA (Sem- 4th)
- 401
Paper ID : [C0218]
Time : 03 Hours
Instruction to Candidates:
1) Section - A is Compulsory.
2) Attempt any Four questions from Section - B.
Section - A
a) Define research design & its
b) What do you mean by optimum
sample size?
c) Discuss briefly the ranking
d) Discuss briefly advantages and
disadvantages of systematic sampling.
e) Report writing is a skillful
art. Discuss.
f) Give a sample cover page of a
research report..
g) Enlist the advantages and
disadvantages of questionnaire.
h) Why are quotations used in a
research report?
i) What is the purpose of footnotes
in a research report?
j) Differentiate between sampling
with and without replacement.
Section - B
Q2) What are the types of research? Explain them in brief.
Q3) Define research design. Discuss in detail the various
essence of a research design.
Q4) Define simple random sampling. Mention the various
methods of drawing a random sample. Discuss the merits and limitations ofsimple
random sampling.
Q5) (a) Discuss the observation method of data collection.
Briefly discuss the classification and evaluation of observation methods.
(b) Discuss briefly the various scale construction
Q6) (a) State the various kinds of questions. Briefly
describe each of them. Explain the purpose of the questionnaire.
(b) What are the methods of collecting primary data? Compare
and contrast them.
Q7) (a) What is report format? Explain different items of a
research report briefly.
(b) What are the major principles that should be followed
while report writing?
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