Roll No.
M.C.A. (Sem.–4)
Subject Code : MCA-405 A
Paper ID : [B0119]
Time : 03 Hours
Instruction to Candidates:
1) Attempt any one question from each Sections A, B, C,
and D.
2) Section- E is Compulsory.
3) use on Non-programmable scientific calculator is
- A
Q1) Explain why hydraulic actuators are least preferred
in small size, mobile robots, draw and explain the schematics of hydraulic
actuator and also differentiate the hydraulic and electric actuators.
Q2) Differentiate the industrial and service robots and
explain the anatomy of robot.
` Section - B
Q3) What are the proximity sensors, list various range
sensors used in mobile robots, also explain three major limitations of sonar
Q4) Define direct and inverse kinematics, Draw and
explain various joint link
parameters, and also drive an equation for basic link
transformation matrix by considering geometric relationship between adjacent
- C
Q5) What is an importance of task planning in robots,
considering a simple Example ,showing its initial coordinates and goal
coordinates and also explain a suitable
algorithm for obstacle avoidance in mobile robots.
Q6) Draw the differential drive robot in global reference
frame and explain its kinematics.
- D
Q7) What is low level vision, Explain the block diagram
of CCD line scanner sensor and also show the continuous image sampled
uniformly in to an array of N rows and M columns, also quantities each
sample in the form of Intensity.
Q8) Draw and explain the block diagram of control system
for n- DOF manipulator.
- E
a) Classify the Robots on the bases of work
envelop/coordinates system.
b) Which proximity sensor in mobile robot will be
suitable to avoid collision with transparent obstacle?
c) List various applications of space and underwater
d) Classify the robots on the bases of performance
e) How the PID parameters reduces the error in point to
point trajectory. robots.
f) Explain and draw various types of the robot joints.
g) Differentiate the low and high level vision in
h) A robot manipulator is rotating from 0 degree to 150
degree, which velocity sensor will be suitable to measure the
manipulator velocity.
i) List various types of the end effector used in
industrial and service robots, which end effector will be suitable to lift the
sheets made up of porous ferromagnetic material, also draw the schematics.
j) List various languages used for programming of the
robot, explain any
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