Roll No.
MCA (Sem. - 4th)
SUBJECT CODE : MCA - 405-C (Elective - 1)
Paper ID : [80121]
Time : 03 Hours
Instruction to
1) Attempt any one
question from each Sections - A, B, C & D.
2) Section - E is
3) Use of
Non-programmable Scientific Calculator is allowed.
Section -
Q1) What do you
understand by inheritance ? Give mechanisms. What are the advantages of scope
resolution & referencing ?
Q2) For the schema
employee (emp-id, emp-name, street, city) give the class representation along
with the attribute types. Give the characteristics of object oriented system.
What is an object? Give an example.
Section -
Q3) Explain what
are overloaded functions & how does a compiler proceed execute an
overloaded function? What is the meaning of polymorphism?
Q4) Explain with
examples the difference between overriding and overloading? What are the
various types of operators available in C++? Explain an example by overloading
<< and >> operators to perform customized input and output.
Section -
Q5) What is meant
by Class hierarchy? What are various types of Inheritance? Also explain the
difference between subtype and subclass?
Q6) What are
various types of files? What are the various modes iu which a file can be
opened? Explain by giving examples.
Q7) Consider an ATM
system. Identify at least three different actors that interact with this
system? Can this system be represented as ari actor? Justify your answer.
a) Discuss what
the objects in each of the following lists have in common:
Bicycle, Sail-boat,
Car, Truck, Airplane, Glider, Motorcycle, Horse.
b) Prepare a list
of objects that you would expect each of the following systems to handle:
i) A telephone
Answering Machine.
ii) A Catalog Store
Order Entry System.
- E
(a) What are
container classes ?
(b) What is the
role of friend functions?
(c) What is the
role of an object in C++?
(d) What is meant
by early binding?
(e) What is a
structure and how is it different from a union?
(fl What is the
role of classes in C++?
(g) What is a call
by reference method in use o1 functions?
(h) What is a virtual
(i) What function
can be used to open a file in C++.?
(j) What arc pure
virtual functions.
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