B.A./B.Sc. (General) 1st Semester
1128 Geography
Paper-II Cartography-I
Time Allowed: Three Hours] [Maximum Marks: 20
(1) Attempt five questions in all.
(2) Question No. 1 is compulsory.
(3) Attempt four questions selecting one question from each Unit.
(4) Candidates can use coloured pencils and sketch pens.
(5) Candidates can ask for drawing sheets.
(6) For USOL reappear/improvement candidates who have not been assessed earlier for internal assessment the question papers(s) in their case shall be of Maximum Marks allotted to the paper(s) concerned.
1. Attempt any four within 20-25 words each: 1x4=4
(a) What is a latitude?
(b) Differentiate between true bearing and magnetic bearing.
(c) What is a Plain Scale?
(d) Write a note on Pole Star.
(e). What are Hachures?
2. Define Map. What are different types of maps? 1, 3
3. Define Time Zones. How is the shape and size of the earth important? 1, 3
4. Define Scale. What is Diagonal Scale? 2, 2
5. Elaborate on the method of construction of Comparative scale. 4
6. List the different methods of Finding True North. Elaborate on the watch method. 2,2
7. What is Bearing? Discuss the methods of conversion of bearings. 1, 3
8. Discuss Contours as a method of representing relief. 4
9. Write notes on the following: 2, 2
(a) Layer Tints.
(b) Hills shading
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