Bachelor of Business Administration 1st Semester
Business Statistics
Paper: BBAS-102
Time Allowed: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 80
Note :-( 1) Attempt any FOUR questions from Section-A Each question carries 5 marks.
(2) Attempt any TWO questions each from Sections B and C. Each question carries 15 marks.
1. Discuss the importance of time series.
2. The rank correlation coefficient between the marks obtained by 10 students in mathematics and economics are found to be 0.5. Find the sum of squares of difference of ranks.
3. A die is thrown. Let E be the event the number appearing is a multiple of 3' and F be the event the number appearing is even'. Find whether E and F are independent.
4. What is the difference between Spearman's and Karl Pearson's coefficient of correlation?
5. The mean and variance of 8 observations are 9 and 9.25 respectively. If the size of six observations is 6, 7, 10, 12, 12 and 13, find the remaining 2 observations.
2000 2008
Item Unit Price Value Quantity Value
A Kg 10 1500 160 1760
B Kg 12 1080 100 1300
C Meter 15 900 60 960
D Pockets 9 450 40 480
12. Compute the trend values on the method of least square from the data given below:
Year No. of Sheep (in lakhs)
1992 56
1993 55
1994 51
1995 47
1996 42
1997 38
1998 33
1999 32
13. (a) Four cards drawn from a pack of 52 playing cards. Find the probability of:
(i) All are diamonds
(ii) There is one card of each suit
(iii) There are two spades and two hearts.
(b) Pair of dice is thrown 4 times. If a doublet is considered a success, find the probability of 2 successes.
14. Explain clearly the meaning of Time Series Analysis. Indicate the importance of such analysis in business.
Sir 3thrd semester pepar questions kisi jaruri he