Bachelor of Business Administration BBA-1st Semester
Fundamental of Information Technology
Paper: BBAS-103
Time Allowed: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 80
Note:- Attempt any FOUR questions from Section-A and TWO questions each from Section-B and Section-C.
1. What is the difference between input and output devices?
2. What is the difference between the System Software and Application Software?
3. Explain: Sort, Find and Filtration.
4. How do you create a document in MS-Word?
5. What do you mean by an internet? 6. How to insert page numbers, headers and footers? 5x4=20
7. (a) What is the difference between RAM and ROM? 7
(b) Compare Primary and Secondary Memory. 8
8. Explain 3 input and 3 output devices. 15
9. (a) How to use Find and Replace in MS-Word. 6
(b) What is Word Processing? Why is it used? 9
10. (a) How to create a spreadsheet in MS-Excel ? How to insert Charts and Graphs in it? 8
(b) What are the basics of Microsoft PowerPoint? How a Slide show is created? 7
11. (a) Explain EDI and its importance in day to day life. 8
(b) How to perform searches on search engines. 7
12. (a) Write short notes on :
(i) E-commerce and its challenges
(ii) EDI. 8
(b) What do you understand by E-Business and how it is different from traditional business? 7
13. (a) Explain various Audio and Video Standards for internet 8
(b) Differentiate between Intranets and Extranets. 7
14. What do you mean by :
(i) HTTP Protocol
(ii) Future of Internet infrastructure
(iii) Navigation. 15
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